Hot gay twitter account

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Plus, like all other minorities, I live in an awful world dominated by straight white men-I have bigger problems to deal with than a one-hit wonder's Twitter account. Kelly's 'Bump n' Grind' even though he married a teenage Aaliyah and allegedly did all manner of horrible things, I can listen to Broke with Expensive Taste despite Banks's Twitter account. Most notoriously, she called gossip blogger Perez Hilton-the gay man who introduced Katy Perry and Lady Gaga to America-'a messy faggot.' Instead of apologizing like most people would do in the age of Twitter and social justice Tumblrs, Banks defended her right to use hate speech: 'Why has society accepted 'nigger' as a colloquialism… But will not accept 'faggot'?' she said in a (now deleted) tweet.Īs a gay man and professional writer, I have mostly ignored her comments because her songs occupy the middle ground between my love for loud, angry music, like the Smashing Pumpkins', and campy pop stars like Paris Hilton.

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In the last few years, Banks has become better known for her homophobic Twitter beefs than her music.

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